Why are my Transitions lenses not dark enough?
Rain or shine, we love the convenience of wearing photo-chromatic lenses. No hassle to bring out our sunglasses. Being situated near the equator, Singapore can't actually avoid the high levels of ultra-violet(UV) radiation. However, we can controlAs long as we have those photo-chromatic on, we are pretty much protected from the harmful radiation of UV. These seemingly amazing invention of a product does come with certain limitations and it's important to know them.
There are lots of misconceptions of Transitions lenses going on around. Let me share with you the Top 3 remarks a buyer would have, that might make him/her regret his/her purchase.
"It doesn't turn dark in the car"
As drivers in a hot sunny country like Singapore, it could be frustrating to drive with the sunlight shining directly on your face. The windows of our cars already comes with UV filter, hence, not enough UV is going to create a reaction to your photochromatic lenses. Unless you wind down the side window and get that little bit of sunlight to come in, or you could consider the more reactive/higher grade photochromatic lenses. Those lenses will turn light gray in the car, giving you that extra comfort and confidence to drive in the sun. Disclaimer: When you drive into a tunnel, it will be slightly darker so it might take some time for your eyes to adjust to the different lighting condition.
2. "Why is it not as dark as the lens in the advertisement?"
If you're going to the beach or open area on an afternoon - when the sun is at its peak, that's the darkest shade your photo-chromatic lens can turn to, atleast in Singapore. Our country has one of the highest UV rating on the planet - being near the equator. To achieve the darkest shade of the lens, the environment and weather must be optimal. Snowy surfaces are more likely to cause the lens to turn darker. This is because UV rays are reflected off more on snowy surfaces as compared to roads or the beach, hence, more UV rays make the lens turn darker. Brighter colours tend to reflect more light. So it's not likely your photochromatic lens can be as dark as your sunglasses in Singapore, or you can go for the higher grade ones.
3) "Are the lenses more yellowish?"
This is true when your lens have aged. Due to the effect of the coating and reaction to UV, the lens will turn yellow. So for those with yellowish lens, it probably means that your lens and prescription is outdated and it's time to get better and improved lens for your eyes. Fun Fact: This is pretty much similar to how cataract is form on our elderly's eyes - due to age and UV.
Those are the top most common misconceptions/remarks about the photo-chromatic lens. Whether it's Transitions or Sensity or Photofusion, make sure you're aware of the shade you'll be having for your average daily wear. It's usually 20%-30% lighter than the maximum shade. If you need any samples, we have it too!
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